meet ms. doggie.  dog has no name; in fact, it has many names; most of which come from me. : p  for instance, i've named it "Dog" and "doggie" n "doggerDoo", in the fashion of white folks, i guess.

and my dad, since we always eat chimichangas when we're hungry n lazy, suggested that for its name... suzers wanted "Shadow" cuz it's always dartin @ our feet as well as freaking us out when we're outside in the dark.

suzan loves this stinky doggie; hehe, but it is choosy with its affection towards her.  however, dog loves my dad, who is so freaken like... i don't know... he sorta acts like a grandfather with it.  teasing it, n very barely... coddles it, n torments it... n feeds it random stuff. : P....

me n suze always endeavor to feed it when we're cooking outside on the propane stove... hehe.  dog loves that.  usually it tries to steal inside the house (note the carpet in the pictures, we let it in while our parents were out) but when we're cooking it only cares about receiving morsels of food.

obviously, dog is a girl. suze worries so much that on one of its little "I"M FREE!!" trips, it'll get accosted by a bigger burlier male dog and come home pregnant. aHAHEHAhdheahEHAHEHahhahaheEAHeha... how funny...

dog is about a year old?? i dunno.... yeah,.. wait! maybe 2 years old. i don't know.  i just know that when it was little it was so cutesybooties n all.... it used to live in a nike shoe box in the corner of our kitchen til it started getting stronger n all so we kicked it out. hhahaha, susan.

now it resides in a little 2-room condo:  a little welcome room, and then a bedroom/recroom/entertainingroom(tho who would fit in there?)/paddedcrazyroom.

and dog stinks all the time, bcoz dog doesn't like baths.  if anyone knows how to make Dog take a bath graciously, email me at
[email protected]
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