here we are at our *first* formal dance together. :*p  obviously, this is before i've even begun to be interested in makeup and tweezing brows...  my  hair here is done by Chia. : )
this is at the ROTC ball, to which we were late... : p we missed the Colors and didn't get to sit with our friends... and then on the way in, i got a bunch of mosquito bites too. :p  but it was fun. : )
(L2R,alternate btwn guy/girl) adam, panga, ou, lucy, vang, chia, tony, me
here we all are, sorta what i thought of as "the group" back in the days of high school.  i like to tease tony about this picture because he "isn't" looking at the camera, probably at some pretty girl waiting in line to get her portrait taken.
this is me and tony at our junior prom.  it was quite silly, tony wanted to "save" money, because you know, us poor broke high schoolers, by getting a lower-priced package, but his silly butt wanted to get like so many extra wallets that we ended up paying more for it than we otherwise would have, so instead of getting two poses, we got one... tsk tsk, and then instead of handing them out to his b-ball team, he left them in the sun AND THEN THEY MELTED!
of course i was kinda mad, because ... i don't know.  anyway, this is the only one i didn't take a group picture at... it was kinda weird.  but it was great. tony helped pick out this dress for me.
here we are at the ROTC ball, our junior year.  i wish i had had the foresight to have my mom either sew the straps shorter for me, or *tee hee* have tony hold them back so that i wouldn't look all ookie and old-lady-like in that region... oh well.  i borrowed this dress from Lucy, and so i didn't want my mom to see it because it was completely without a back. : p
(clockwise) cathie, big juan, dude-whose-name-i-forgot, acela, tony, me, lucy, little juan
i had to convince tony to wear a white tux here, but he wanted to wear black. so i threatened him. : p  (mark! his name is mark!)
oh, by this time, tony had quit ROTC.
here we are at our senior ball!!  and no, i'm not about to "pop out" as everyone was telling me all night.  it was quite fun.  and i was telling tony to get a tux with tails, but he kept saying no.  until he went with his sister and got a tailcoat on a whim and then he kept telling me how great it looked.  :-p to you tony.
(clockwise) anson, phew, jason, tony, me susan, lucy.
that stain on tony's tux is from me, and isn't actually on his tux. so don't go thinkin he's dirty like that.
i coerced phew to go, even though he kinda didn't want to go, and he kept it a secret from me, shame! phew!
here we are, i love this pose, we're so pretty!  pictures look so pretty and stable when you flip 'em in a mirror image and it ends up looking just as great! this one does...
i have to say that even though it looks like i'm about to spill over in all my happiness, i do look pretty good in that *wink* area.
here's the fray: jonathan, chantelle, christina, sally, nick, rickita, kara, lacy, massa, jeff, jim, me
this is the little mass of mr. huber's right-hand students: the yearbook/newspaper/speech/debate assortment. :-p we all overlap.
my formals!!!
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