17 mar 05
okay okay, so i thought that maybe it was time that i went a little bit bloggy... you know, i always thought blogs were weird.  it's like... i know you're my friend n all (or maybe you're just a psycho stalker?) but do you need to know every intimate detail of my life? tsk tsk... blogs are quite the helpmate for a stalker, you dig?  so i thought that i'd just do a little bit of random things from my life...  like maybe once or twice a week i'll update this page with things from my everyday life.  i mean, yay to you all who have blogs but... i really don't want to know all the dealings of everyone's freakin life!!

well, i've been sick for awhile (since like monday was when it got serious so i musta got it over the weekend (SUSAN!)) with of course a hangovery feeling, which is probably from dehydration (which is what a hangover is; the alcohol sucks up all your water.  so for all you folks out there (alkies) drink lots of water!) and then... hmm... lots of cold *shiver* and then hot *glisten* then cold *shiver* then hot *glisten*.  so i was like that for at least two days... two n a half...  and then it was like really intense sneezing n coughing for a day or so... after that my throat felt ripped to shreds so then even the tiniest little coughs hurt like a bitch... and so today (yay!) tony-my-sweetie went and bought (behind my back) a Robitussin!! i totally remember those... i took it like when i was 5 or something, you know?  but then that's good, because this morning i coughed n that thick nasty phlegm came up... i have to admit that there were little tiny traces of blood in the second one... but then thereafter there has been nothing but phlegms.  and i am so glad, because!!! i have had that nasty phlegm stuck in my throat for a few months now... and this is helping to get it out.  anyway, tony-my-love even chose the correct one (Robitussin PE which is an expectorant and nasal clearing thingie (expectorant = makes the phlegm come out)).  he's so sweet... he even paid freaken $6.99 for it, a tiny ass bottle...awwww.... he's even making me drink the nasty vile liquid more commonly known as "water".

oooh, and last week suzie acquired a ferdie... hee...
random ramblings:: when i finally succumb to bloggs...
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