random ramblings:: makety-uppity
17 may 05
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so I'm sittin at school right now, being bored. �and I saw a link to msn Women's something or other for red carpet stylin makeup thing. �recently I came up with a good nail color style for myself. �because I thought it looked cute and all, so I've been trying it and trying it and trying it. �of course anyone can do it.� it's just a French nail, except instead of the light pink with whited tips, or mayhap for the pinker nailed people just gloss, you use some darker pink, to your taste. �anyway, well, maybe with like an ivory tip, you know, closer to the nail's color. �anyway, of course I can't do it because I was never good at painting my nails, because no matter what they end up goopy or have too much on it so it's all weird and then, inevitably, it gets scratched or messed up somehow and then it irritates me too much so I peel it off... scrape it off, actually. �and of course this is while I'm at school or sitting in the car or something like that, and it ends up like that for a few days because my sis can't seem to put the nail polish remover in one spot, so it's all nasty looking. �because, you know, it's dark pink and white so it ends up really weird and ugly. �anyway,� whenever I do have it on right, I can't help but feel strange at my fingertips because then, well, I might as well out myself. �I am a nail-biter.� so I don't know how normal non-nail-biters feel about nail polish, but for me, it feels thick and unwieldy or strange. �well, not unwieldy, but it feels strange.� because I don't have the flat nails, mine are rather circular�(tip), and they dig into my skin. �so when the, well, it doesn't dig in, but the flesh on the sides are, you know, rounded off as well. �so when the nail color is on, then it's between my nail (on the sides) and the flesh, and it feels weird. �but of course, my toenails, which I let grow as long as they want until it hurts when I put closed-toe shoes on, I can take it. �in fact, my toenails are nice and pretty, sorta.� I usually put polish on it and then whatever. �if they chip, they chip, I don't pick 'em off, I don't nail-polish-remove them, I don't do anything to them.

oh, the feeling of nailpolish on my fingernails is about the same kind of feeling as me clippin' 'em. you know what I mean? it just feels weird for awhile, even if you buff 'em n all.

well, the same goes for makeup! I just don't understand how these people just go around and have slathered on all these layers of makeup! moisturizer, concealer, foundation, blush, whatever! that is just too much to be having on your face. �I don't care how they do it, I know I can't! and most people don't! �how is it possible to get your face from
looking infirm to very smooth?? (http://www.deansplanet.com) huh??� I just feel so dirty with concealer and foundation on. �usually, I feel dirty with lotion on!� but I did find two lotions which are pretty good. �Vaseline vitamin e lotiony moisturizer thing, which I got on clearance @ target, so I'm not sure they have it anymore.�and then Wamart's brand of pretty smelly lotion.� I have the raspberry something one, which I also got a few years ago but still have and it's still good to use. �I don't like jergen's moisturizer, because it's the' liquidyfeelingish one? I don't know, but I hate it.� it just kinda sticks to your skin like that, whereas the Vaseline lotion was pretty good, it goes into your skin and then when you touch it it doesn't feel all dampy n crappy n shitty n shit. �anyway, all I can take for make up is eye makeup. �and no, not the creamy thing you're supposed to put on there, (I think there's one of those, of course) but just the shadow (I like cream n powder, which I usually use in a mix anyway) and water-proof liner (maybelline) and mascara. �of course, I don't know how to put mascara on either, so sometimes it seems goopy, or sometimes I have linesy things on my lids, but who cares.� I'd say that I prefer waterproof ones, but a lot of mascara is coming out which isn't so oily and greasy. �I like the thicker ones which don't really smear and leave an ugly black reminiscent-of-motor-oil stainy on your face. �usually the cheapy ones (Bon-Bon @ wal-mart for about 88�) are pretty good on that.

well, I have to admit that that I have put on creams and stuff, but of course it's to remove makeup, so I don't think that really counts, eh? �and I don't even use "cold cream".� I use stuff like: "facetightener skin thing" and "wrinkle-remover age defying swiss formula thing" and stuff like that. �it gets it out pretty good.� and I don't use the makeup spongy things to remove makeup, although I'm not sure that's what they're for anymore, I think nowadays they're also for putting on makeup. �anyway, I use the cotton pads (circles, squares, big circles, whatever). �like compressed cotton balls, of course.� I think cotton is pretty good at removing makeup, so just take one of them, dampenish it with water, then dab it into the cream jar and wipe wipe and its gone. J� okay, mayhap I should stop now, because I'm tired.
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