From the Book of the Holy Rosary Divine Word Missionary by
Censor Librarum IMPRIMATUR: Joseph T. O’Keefe, Vicar General Archdiocese of New York
Publishing Co. N.Y. – Printed in U.S.A. 1980 by Catholic Book 

  The Story of the Holy Rosary 
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The GUARDIANS Brotherhood Inc.


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Dear Friends and visitors to my Homepage:

        I have incorporated the Holy Rosary into my WebPage in order to show to the whole world that we are Catholics. While we could not pray the Holy Rosary daily as it should be, we do as a family always try our best to say it as often as possible. Tuesdays and Fridays are the more often.

        Catholics who visit my webpage may benefit from here since there is a step by step instructions on how to pray the Rosary. Not to say that Catholics around the world do not know how to pray the Rosary.  Sad to say it is true that most of us, that includes me and my family cannot pray or memorize the Rosary by heart. We have to use our Rosary Pamphlete as a guide.  The Rosary Guide from which these pages were taken are as stated above.  I do not have the authority to re-publish the content of the pamphlete but  it is hoped though that the publisher won't mind my reproduction of the contents thereof to these pages.

Since the contents of these pages would be more of a permanent site and part of my Home Page, there would not be so much update on its contents.  It does not mean though that you should not come back anymore.  Please come back often just to say a little prayer and/or pay homage to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Find out also the promises of the Blessed Virgin Mary to those who Continuously Pray the Holy Rosary. You are also invited to visit my Pieta Prayer Home Page

Thank you for visiting these pages.

Leo A Seron
 0916=256-1451; 0920-739-7185; 0919-212-400

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