Mediaeval Pilgrimage to Walsingham
10 - 14 September 2007


Pilgrimage home
Highs & Lows
Lessons Learned
Photos by Julia Mallett and reproduced here by kind permission; funding and photography equipment from Modi Mundi Ltd.
All the pilgrims with our hosts - the owners of Lizard Farm - on the Wednesday morning. l-r: Jeff, Daniel, Will, Josephine, John the Miller, Ross, Me, Steve, Lena, Mr Gurney, Andrea, John the Franciscan, Ian, Mrs Gurney
Left:Lunch on Thursday; under a chestnut tree in Gt Snoring churchyard
Above right: Foot-sore pilgrims dabbling their tootsies in the river; Walsingham Abbey, late Thursday afternoon
Above left: Breakfasting at Swannington Church, Tuesday morning.
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