Getting Started with PICs

Getting Started with PICs

Here is a very simple test circuit:

According to the 16F84 data sheet, reset pin 4 can be tied to Vcc. However, I didn't find this particularly reliable if using a solderless breadboard, so I added the RC combination, ensuring the 16F84 gets a proper reset when powered up. It should work OK if a PCB is used.

I've used the RC oscillator option, with the on-chip capacitor, to keep things simple. The oscillator isn't particularly stable, but it doesn't really matter in this case.

This is the circuit built on a solderless breadboard. It requires about 5V: I used four NiMH AA cells.

Here is a simple test program that flashes the LED:

;                           test2.asm
; test program to flash an LED connected to RB3 (pin 9)

#include	"P16F84.INC"

count1	equ		0C	;GP registers
count2	equ		0D
count3	equ		0E

	org     0		; origin
	bsf	STATUS,RP0	;select bank 1
	bcf	TRISB, 3	;RB3 output
	bcf	STATUS,RP0	;select bank 0

	call	flash		;flash LED briefly
	call	long_dly	;wait
	goto	main		;do it again, and again, ...

;subroutine to flash the LED once, briefly
	bsf	PORTB, 3	;LED on
	call	dly		;short delay
	bcf	PORTB, 3	;LED off

;long delay loop subroutine that calls short delay subroutine	
	movlw	0x03F		;initialise delay counter
	movwf	count3
	call	dly		;short delay
	decfsz	count3, 1	;decrement counter, if counter is not zero
	goto	long1		;go round again
	return			;else return

;short delay subroutine	with two nested loops
	movlw	0xFF		;initialise outer loop counter
	movwf	count1
	movlw	0x0F		;initialise inner loop counter
	movwf	count2
	decfsz	count2, 1	;decrement inner loop counter, if counter is not zero
	goto	dly2		;go round again
	decfsz	count1, 1	;else decrement outer loop counter, if counter is not zero
	goto	dly1		;go round again
	return			;else return

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