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Wouldn't It Be Cool...

Sometimes people think of how cool it would be if there was a weird difference in the world. The weird world has taken the liberty of compiling a list of some of those things. (This list was created by and for The Weird World)

Imagine that the phrase "Wouldn't it be cool" was in front of each of these:

  • If we all had beaks and in order to survive we had to peck for at least 18 hours a day?
  • If the inside of our body was our soul and every once in a while when it had to take a vacation our skin would fall to a crumpled pile on the floor only being able to say the words "butter" and "wet"?
  • If all songs had the word "litterbox" somewhere in them?
  • If instead of bombs, we dropped human waste on our enemies?
  • If there was no such thing as skin?
  • If the glass wasn't clear and the walls were?
  • If instead of hair we had grass?
  • If there was a fish with a miniature human head?
  • If dogs smoked cigars?
  • If there was a bubble attached to each turd to make it float to the top?
  • If floors had water in them like water beds?
  • If nonliving objects like tables and chairs...and even the moon, had to poop?
  • If ventilation shafts were placed randomly on our bodies?
  • If a small monkey controlled the functions in our crotches so that when we yelled "I've gotta pee!" it would say "eye captain!"?
  • If when you stuck a piece of paper in a notebook it was referred to as a papular implant?
  • If popping the bubbles in bubble packing wrap was as critical to us as eating?
  • If there was a class in school where we could fire automatic weapons at each other?
  • If the genetic experiment guys would bring a turd to life?
  • If someone's parents were so mean that as a punishment they were forced to sleep nude on their roof when it was below freezing?

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