Pictures Of Liverpool In Singapore


Here are the photos of Liverpool in Spore, as a banner format, as it takes a long time for the photos to load if I were to upload it. Plus, it also means that I still have got at least some exclusive rights but I have sent some of those photos to people on the net or friends, so it ain't that exclusive after all. Never mind that. Anyway, let's take a trip down to that day and look at the photos taken. 

*PLEASE TAKE A LITTLE WHILE TO WAIT FOR IT TO LOAD!*  There are more pictures within this 4 pictures. 

The above photo, on the left is taken on Day 3, with most of the photos not turning out well cause I had forgotten to turn on the flash.

The above photo, on the right is the one that I mentioned that is WORTH WAITING FOR! So what do you think? The bigger version of the photos are really fantastic, fits as a nice wallpaper! WOOHOO! By the way, the photos scanned were almost A4 size, that's the size of the actual picture (really expensive!) but the files are too huge so made it to a smaller version. Oh I borrowed the photos from a friend! Only got my dear redknapp pic...cute!


The one on the left is taken on Day 4, the day they left for Bangkok. And the centre and right ones, you would know who they are. Took so many photos of those two players, different want it, you've got it. hehe

Pictures on the individual players are out!! (Them posing) Please scroll up! Trust me, this is worth waiting for!!! And I am trying to get more pictures to scan them, so wait for it!




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