Full Name: Harold Devin Lima

Age: 23

Birth Date: 3/18/77

Astrological Sign: Pisces

Height: 5' 11

Write with: Right hand

Tattoos: Cross, Dragon

Piercing: Ears

Pets: None

Innie or outtie: innie

Brothers/ Sisters: Derek, Nick

Language Spoken: Fluent in English and Portuguese

Favorites and First

Song: "All the Things your Man Won't Do"- Joe

Food: Chicken

Cartoon: Batman

Animal: Cheetah

Sport: Football

Drinks: Water

Color: Green

Car: Lamborghini

Cologne: Eternity

City: Boston

Movie: Braveheart

First Album/CD: Jodeci

Concert: Color Me Badd

Kiss: Lydia , it was in school

Who is the most influential person in your life and why? Scott- tells me to stay humble Scott Ross- Dancer

Person you most want to meet and why? Lead Singer from Destiny's Child- she is fine, I just want to cuddle

Hobbies: Drawing, singing, working out

Who is your Hero and why? Arnold Schwazzeneger- everyone said that he could not act and he did

You are stuck in a dessert island. What three things would you bring and why? CD's- to sing Radio- to play it Batteries- to play the radio

What is your ethnic heritage? Portuguese

To you, what is the most important thing in a relationship? The girl has to believe in me

Musical instrument played: Piano

What magazines do you read? Vibe, GQ

Describe the perfect date: Do the town, hold hands, then cuddling at night on the beach

What is the weirdest rumor you have heard about yourself? That I was gay

Tooth Brush Color: Green

Tooth Paste Brand: Colgate

Item you could not live without: my CD's

Shampoo: whatever

Blondes, Brunettes, Redheads, or other: Whoever has the best face

Gold silver, platinum plastic or other: Silver- gold is played out

Who or what is your biggest enemy? My hair on a bad hair day

What about yourself do you like the most? My butt

What is the best country that you have seen so far? U.S.A.

What is your shoe size? 10

Were you popular at school? Yes, I was

In one word describe yourself: I am bad

What's the first thing that comes to mind when I say "Mc Donalds" ? I haven't had it in 3 years


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