Nickname: "Rich," "Rich Nice"

Full Name: Richard Burton Cronin

Age: 24

Birth Date: 8/30/75

Astrological Sign: Virgo

Height: 6'3"

Write with: Right hand

Tattoos: Irish Leprechaun on my leg

Piercing(s): none, but used to have both ears..

Pets: dog

Innie or Outtie: Innie

Brothers/ Sisters: Mike - 22 and Cassandra - 18

Language Spoken: English and Profanity

Favorites and First

Song: "If it isn't love"- New Edition Food: Pizza

Cartoon: Smurfs

Animal: Dogs

Sport: Baseball

Drinks: Mt.Dew

Color: Green

Car: Jetta

Cologne: Abercrombie

Unleaded City: Boston

Movie: Goodwill Hunting

First Album/CD: Men At Work

Concert: Bell Biv Devoe

Kiss: some girl in "Woodsy's" basement

Who is the most influential person in your life and why? My father he is everything I want to be.

Person you most want to meet and why? Al Paccino, he's such a cool actor

Hobbies: Movies and whatever I'm into at the time

Who is your Hero and why? My father (Obvious reasons)

You are stuck in a dessert island. What three things would you bring and why? Food, water and a house

What is your heritage? Irish, English and Swedish

To you, what is the most important thing in a relationship? Honesty

Musical instrument played: Guitar and Kazoo

What magazines do you read? GQ & Rolling Stone

Describe the perfect date: Being with the perfect girl

Tooth Brush Color:Green

Tooth Paste Brand: Mentadent

Item you couldn't live without: My toothbrush

Shampoo: Panteen

Blondes, Brunettes, Redheads, or other: all females

Gold, silver, platinum plastic or other: Silver, it's dope I wear lots of it!

What about yourself do you like the most? I am genuinely a good person

What is the best country that you have seen so far? U.S.A.

What is your shoe size? 12

Were you popular at school? A little, but I was a clown

Who(of the people in your band) do you think is the best dancer ( not including yourself)? Devin he's a "Super Freak"

In one word describe yourself: Tall

What's the first thing that comes to mind when I say "Mc Donalds" ? Ronald McDonald


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