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Betta Splendens (Siamese Fighting Fish) Breeding Project!

Start Date: 1st May 2002 (Labor Day!)

Day 1: Condition:
Temp:  ~ 29 DegC

PH Value: ~ 6.5 (+/- 0.5)

2 Betta Splenden

(1 male + 1 female)


Male 'introducing & displaying'  himself to the female betta on 1st day of courtship!


Male starts building bubble nest with his saliva!



Day 2: Condition:

Continue courtship on 2nd day morning!

Same condition as above!




2nd Day Afternoon

Same Condition as above!



Day 3: Condition:

3rd Day Morning: 100 + + Eggs in Bubble-Nest

Same Condition as above!


Close-up of nest and white eggs!

Same Condition as above!



Day 4: Condition:


Day 4: Cleaning Time 

Siphoning Method: Fill the whole air-tube with water and insert one end into container, dirty water will flow out due to the difference in height and gravity forces.

Same Condition as above!


The parent bettas defending their eggs & nest from a "foreign invader"!

That's their natural protective instinct towards their offspring!

Siphoning away the wastes produced from the parents!

Beware of siphoning the eggs accidentally!



Day 5: Condition:

Day 5: No pic yet...


Day 5: Waiting for results...

Same Condition as above!




Day 6: Condition:

Day 6: No pic yet...


Day 6:Waiting for results...

Same Condition as above!




Day 7: Condition:

Day 7: No pic yet...


Day 7: Waiting for results...

Same Condition as above!




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Copyright @2002 Asia LFS
Last modified: May 05, 2002
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