Jeremy Mayfield's 1998 MOBIL1 Taurus!!

by Dusty Scarbro

Quote from Dusty:
"... This is one of my favorite cars that I have done. The decals are from Sunset graphics and very good quality. The first thing that I did was to airbrush the complete car gloss white, then I masked off the front section with 2in. masking tape. I have found that this particular masking tape works well and is fairly quick and easy to apply just don't leave it on very long. I painted the blue with a heated can of Testors racing colors #6 blue. I then waited a couple days to dry before applying decals. While waiting for the paint to dry I assembled the chassis. The decals went on very well for the most part, and when it was finished it turned out to be a gook looking piece."

Mayfield's Mobil Taurus!!

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