MR NASCAR's Alter Ego...

Mr NASCAR! (Image by Heather)My first car! None too stable in the curves! (Sept 1966...)

Mr NASCAR is by day a mild-mannered technical type, who works for Dupont Automotive Finishes in Dupont's Ajax, Ontario, Canada OEM Finishes Labs. By night, Mr NASCAR is a ravening techno-geek wannabe, NASCAR fan, and Model car (mostly NASCAR) builder.

Altho Mr NASCAR works for the division of Dupont that sponsors Jeff Gordon, and also drives a blue Monte Carlo (no rainbow stripes...), he does not consider himself biased in observing and reporting happenings in his favourite spectator sport (yes, it's even better than hockey...)

Mr NASCAR lives in Oshawa, Ontario; home of the Lumina and Monte Carlo! He is fifty-something with a charming wife, three grown children (empty-nest syndrome is just setting in...), two grandsons, and three cats, whose relationships to one another have tempted him to rename them Bosnia, Serbia, and Croatia.

Mr NASCAR grew up on a farm in rural Ontario in the '50's, and values the memories and ethos that that lifestyle provided. (However, it would take three Massey - Ferguson tractors and a brace of Clydesdales to ever drag Mr NASCAR back to live on a farm again... the work's too hard, and the cable reception is lousy...) He even considered naming this website "The Farmboy" or something of that ilk, but was afraid of insulting real farmers...

Mr NASCAR's first-ever car was a 1956 Ford Victoria. Damn fine steed for a 19-year-old, it was: Canadian Tire 3-speed shifter conversion on the floor; dual exhaust (one stock muffler, one Thrush muffler, as I remember...); Crowning Touch was the '58 T-bird engine that had been shoe-horned in! Great car on the straights, but a little unstable in the curves (see picture above...)

Mr NASCAR has followed NASCAR racing since the late '60's, and was a huge fan of Cale Yarborough in his prime (that could apply to Mr. Yarborough OR Mr. NASCAR, I suppose...).
(Get Mr NASCAR to describe his experiments with a high school buddy in drafting techniques on Highway #2 along the St Lawrence in two 1963 Oldsmobiles someday...)

As well as following NASCAR racing, Mr. NASCAR also has, for the past 12 - 15 years, been an avid builder of NASCAR models, based primarily on the excellent MONOGRAM kits, altho a few of the MPC and AMT rarities from the '70's grace his shelves...

Mr NASCAR is a founding member of Group 25, a Toronto-based model car club, which celebrated its 20th year of existance in 1996. There is a link to our website, maintained by club member Alex Kung,
my modelling page
or you can access Group 25 here

Mr NASCAR just discovered the 'Net a couple years back, and this website is an attempt to marry the real world of NASCAR with the world of NASCAR modelling, plus throw in other things that catch his attention out there.

Other areas of interest include music, especially Baroque and early music, blues, and music of the Blue Ridge area of the Southern US: (is "mountain music" a legit term??) to the point where he is workin' on learnin' to play the mountain dulcimer: said to be the only stringed instrument native to North America.

In closing, Mr NASCAR thanks you for your interest in the site, and apologizes for the rather gratuitous use of the third person in this ramble. Tried out using first person, but the "I" word gets extremely annoying...

Come to think of it, if you actually read this far, you must be something of a masochist, and would not mind the annoyance...

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