Kenny Schrader's BUD Monte Carlo
By Rich Soucey, Jr.

Quote from Rich:
"...I like making some of my models look as if they've just come off the track. I find if done correctly, the results are awesome. So, here's what I did: After the car was completely assembled, I took a brand new toothbrush and dipped it in flat black paint. Then I took the excess off and ran my thumb up and down the bristles, causing the paint to fly off the brush and onto the car. You want to place some on the front, wheel wells, windshield, and the rear. As for the rub marks, I take an old tire and paint one side of it flat black and just stick it on the side of the car and turn it back and forth, clockwise & counterclockwise. It's that simple, and the results are great. Try it! "

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