By Rich Soucey, Jr.

Bobby's GP!!!

Quote from Rich:
"... Ever since I've seen this car, I just had to build it. But all I really wanted to do was mask the black and the Interstate Bateries green.

This is my second attempt at it; the first try was marred when I had primed and masked the car to paint it black, and as I pulled the masking off after painting the black, the masking material (bare metal foil) pulled the primer off underneath it. So, suffice to say, I took that body and nailed it to a beam in the basement (the words "brake fluid" do NOT exist in my mind).

This time, I used regular old 1"-inch masking tape, and pulled the masking off 20 minutes after I had painted the body it's black colors. No problems this time...... so I was very, very happy to see that, and got even more excited to paint the green. So I did, the next day as a matter of fact.

It was no problem masking the black since the black color shown through the masking tape, so any adjustments or cuts were made with a brand-new #11 X-ACTO blade. I took my tack-rag, went over the parts to be painted neon green, the started to paint. And paint. And paint. All in all, I'd say that there's about 20 quick coats of Tru-Match #18 Neon Green on there. I got excited; the more I put on, the brighter the green got, so I kept going.... hee hee hee.....

I let the green dry overnight, then clear-coated it the very next day right after work (it's all I thought about that day at work) so I could start decaling in two or three days. Then I did start to decal. I love Slixx decals; I really do. But I don't like the neon decals since they start to crack as soon as they hit water to loosen them from the back of the sheet. But this time, I had no problems whatsoever. None. Nada. I was happy as a pig in, uh, slop. I was so happy with the decal and paint job that I decided to scratchbuild a window net and add the hood pins with photo-etched hardware.

Boy, was THAT *fun*.I really liked the SHELL decal that came with the decals that goes onto the seat. That decal really sets the car off.

But all in all, when I looked back at all the work, I can look at it and want to do another one. "

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