Satirical Banner Ads that I made:
































Who to Boycott:

1. Avoid all Canadian seafood. This is to apply economic pressure to Canada. Some of the largest consumers of Canadian seafood are Red Lobster, Long John’s Silvers, and Costco. All of these companies should therefore be avoided.

2. Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd society is calling for a boycott of Costco. Costco sells seal oil capsules. Costco has refused to remove these from their shelves. We fully endorse this decision.

3. Avoid traveling to Newfoundland. This is to apply economic pressure to this province.

4. Boycott fashion houses that profit from seal pelts. These are: Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, Birger Christensen, New Vogue, and Vogue Furriers.

5. These companies all profit from selling Canadian sea food and should be boycotted: Acadian, Atlantic Pearl, Bay Shore, Blue Royal, Breakwater, Brunswick, Cape Cod, Canadian Cove, Century Seafoods, Classic (from Beothic), Clearwater, Deep Sea, Doyle, Fisherman’s Finest, Fishery Products International (FPI), Fogo Island, Harbour View, Highliner Foods, Island Pride, Luxury (from Beothic), Northland, Notre Dame Seafoods, Ocean Choice, Ocean Elite, Ocean Leader, Ocean Queen, Ocean Select, Oram’s Choice, Quinland, Quin-Sea, Sea Best (from Beaver Street Co.), Seafreez, Sea Fresh, St. Paul’s, World Catch, and, lastly, Violet brand.

6. Boycott any store that sells herbs that are made from seals.  These products are Terra Nova, Canomega, and Omegavite.

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit this page and for taking into consideration the possibility of boycotting some of these companies.









