
Name: Squall Leonhart  
Age: 17  
Height: 5' 10"  
Weapon: Gunblade  

Squall is a teenager who is studying military and academic areas in Balamb Garden. He wants to pass the entrance exam so he can become a member of SeeD.

Name: Rinoa Heartilly  
Age: 17  
Height: 5' 4"  
Weapon: Blaster Edge 
Rinoa is also a candidate for SeeD and is the female character in the logo of the game. She is described as a strong character who is pleasant, a bit shy and empathetic.
Name: Laguna Loire  
Age: 27  
Height: 5' 11"  
Weapon: Unknown 
Laguna was originally a soldier but changed profession and became a journalist. He is  
respected by everyone and has a very generous nature who isn't afraid to stand up and  
fight for his beliefs. 
Name: Seifer Almasy  
Age: 18  
Height: 6' 2"  
Weapon: Gunblade  

This guy hates Squall for reasons unknown to anyone but himself or Squall. Seifer gave Squall a scar on his forehand in a training session with the gunblade. In reaction to this, Squall also gave Seifer a scar.

Name: Zell Dincht  
Age: 17  
Height: 5' 6"  
Weapon: Gloves  

Zell is another candidate trying to gain membership into SeeD. Zell wants to become a famous soldier like his grandfather although his enthusiastic nature sometimes gets  
him into trouble.

Name: Edea  
Age: Unknown  
Height: Unknown  
Weapon: Unknown  

Edea is the villain of the game who belongs to a family of witches. Little is known about her except that she is veryvunerable and makes an appearance in a witch parade  
sometime in the game. 

Name: Selphie Tilmett  
Age: 17  
Height: 157cm  
Weapon: Nunchaku  

Although childish in her ways, Selphie is a skilled fighter with many talents to boot. She and Squall are classmates for now.

Name: Irvine Kinneas  
Age: 17  
Height: 185cm  
Weapon: Shotgun  

Irvine is some what of a mysterious young man. He dresses as a cowboy and is said to  
have something to do with the Garden though he's not a student. He carries a vicious shotgun with which he uses to gun down his enemies in good old fashion cowboy style.

Name: Quistis Trepe  
Age: 18  
Height: 172cm  
Weapon: Chain Whip  

Quistis joined the Garden at age 10 and was initiated into SeeD at the young age of 15. Her fighting skills have earned her the right to become a teacher at the Garden.   


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