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These chairs were quite amazingly uncomfortable, and Laney was hunched forward on one now, in considerable pain, hugging his bruised ribs. The blood in his sock had turned out to be his own, from a skinned patch on his left shin.
Beneath his arm, carefully cleaned now, the knife in its magnetic sheath swings free, sleeping. The boy raises the cup, opens his mouth, and pours the thick sludge of ice and fruit pulp down his throat.
Kahlan had to deal with the threat now, before anything else went wrong. But before she could leap for him, his curled fingers twitched up. With a contemptuous sneer, he thrust one hand toward Cara.
Graham looked darkly at the man pushing the bike, then shook his head, telling himself not to be so stupid. The man looked nothing like Stock, the bike was quite different from the big black BMW Stock rode, and anyway omens were nonsense.
Vashanka's priests were soft, due in no small part to the irremediable absence of the god himself. Vashanka had died in Sanctuary-died because when a god is separated from his worshipers, the worshipers go on living-not the god.
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