Follow The Stars Home Photos
This Hallmark Hall of Fame movie based on a novel by Luanne Rice is a heartwarming tale of a mother's love and sacrifice. Kimberly Williams plays Dianne Parker a mother whose life becomes shattered when her daughter is born with a birth defect and her husband deserts her. Dianne struggles to rebuild her life and must learn to trust again.
Kimberly Williams and Caitlin Fein Campbell Scott and Kimberly Williams
Campbell Scott as David McCune the brother in law who is in love with his brother's wife.
Kimberly Williams as Dianne and Caitlin Fein as her daughter Julia.
Amanda Fein as Julia
Kimberly Williams in Follow The Stars Home.
Amanda Fein as Julia.
Kimberly Williams in Follow The Stars Home.
Blair Brown, Kimberly Williams and Amanda Fein
Campbell Scott, Amanda Fein, Kimberly Williams, Blair Brown and Eric Close.
Blair Brown as Hannah Parker with Kimberly and Amanda Fein.
Follow The Stars Home cast: Campbell Scott, Amanda Fein, Kimberly Williams, Blair Brown and Eric Close.
Campbell Scott, Kimberly Williams and Eric Close
Close up shot of Campbell Scott, Kimberly Williams and Eric Close
Campbell Scott, Kimberly Williams and Eric Close
Close up shot of Campbell Scott, Kimberly Williams and Eric Close
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