The Truth About the Second Vatican Council . . Free Website Translator

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Vatican II council hijacked by Freemasons, communists and Modernists.

Vatican II - Christopher Ferrara
Second Vatican Council: "John XXIII shocked the world when he announced in 1959 that a council would convene."
Pope John XXIII Regretted Vatican II? Before dying, his last words were: "Stop the council!" [reported by Jean Guitton] - Same -

  The French Revolution & Vatican II. 26 min.
• "Vatican II is the French Revolution in the Church." -- Cardinal Suenens.
"Gaudium et Spes [a document of the council]  represents on the part of the Church, an attempt to effect an official reconciliation with the new era, inaugurated by 1789." -- Cardinal Ratzinger
 "The Church has peacefully had its October Revolution." -- Fr. Yves Congar.

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 Fr. Hesse: Truth about Second Vatican Council *

Pope John XXIII Pope John XXIII

 Revolution and Counter-Revolution, by Atila S. Guimaraes
Explains how conservatives and counter-revolutionaries can work together, in order to fight the evil in the world and in the Catholic Church.

Second Vatican Council • Second Vatican Council: 1962--1965


Ecumenical Councils Ecumenical Councils - * - Deposit of the Faith Deposit of the Faith - Papal Decrees Papal Decrees -


Liberalism Is A Sin, by Don Felix Sarda y Salvany
Liberalism Is A Sin -- Catholic Tradition


Pascendi Dominici Gregis. Encyclical of Pope Pius X on the Doctrines of the Modernists

Descent of Modernists . . Life Offering -- To the Sacred Heart. A Call to be a Quiet Modern Apostle.

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