The galleries:

High School Creations
College Creations
T-Shirt Designs
Video Game Designs
Tad Williams Fan Art

Too busy to check out each and every gallery?  Here are my Top 5 favorite works:
  • CIA T-shirt #2
  • CyberWizards: Gonzaga
  • Aditu 2000
  • Pryrates
  • Centurion Ad

    Other Artists:
    Esoteric's Yasira
    Tralu (John Cruz's) Elfwood Site

    Related Works:
    CyberWizards Realm
    Tad Williams Fan Fiction

    Semi-official Links:
    Tad Williams Fan Page

    Welcome to the Art Page!

    My name is Lawrence Cruz.  Some of you up and around the internet may know me as ROOK.  What you will see here is a compilation of pictures set in neat little uber-divisions, ranging from stuff I did in high school all the way to my current projects.  It's amazing what you'll find in your closet (especially when you have a tendency to throw nothing away).



    The status on my latest project:
    There's a contest they are running at my work place to design a motto/logo for the new GAE group! The winner will get a spontaneous recognition award! Yay! (Where's my frikkin money, you blowhards!?!?!) Anyway, here's one I concocted. It depicts vehicles a building blocks.

    The galleries:

    THE MARY ALMA MATER GALLERY - Things I did the the conclaves of a dank Basilian monestary, where the day's morbid highlights were watching rodents being fed to the school's boa constrictor

    THE DR. OKRAKU MEMORIAL GALLERY - College was supposed to be the best years of your life; what the !@#!@??? :)  Here's my evolution from pure rebel to heartless corporate consumer.

    THE FABRIC PLACE - T-shirts!  I drew T-shirts!

    THE "WHAT'S PLAYSTATION?" GALLERY - Designs for a game my brother and I worked on and completely botched.  The next one will be about Steampunk, though.  It'll be totally kewl!

    THE ADITU MEMORIAL LOVE PALACE - It's not all about Aditu, but there are some good pieces based on characters by Tad Williams.

    THE BACK LOT - Miscellaneous things I've drawn that didn't seem to like any of the other galleries.

    What do you think?  Drop me a line at [email protected]

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