Cherrl Child A sick little girl.
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Cherrl is a lonely little girl with a deadly disease. The only known cure lies within the monster tower, though nobody has been able to grasp it.

Female; 16 years old

How to gain Cherrl as a girlfriend: (To the best of my memory)-After going to the tower a few times, you will see Cherrl through the window of a house you can't enter. When she sees you she will drop her doll, and you will retrieve it for her. You will then be introduced to Cherrl, who has a disease which gives her inability to do almost anything. On the 27th floor of the tower, you will find the healing herb. Use a Wind Crystal to return, then give the herb to the doctor. After a few visits to the tower, Cherrl will be cured, and she'll become a nurse. After a while, talk to the doctor and Cherrl will overhear that you were the one who got the herb, and she'll fall in love with you.
Cherrly you understand me!?
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LightSoul: Hey, Cherrl. How're you today?
Cherrl: I'm are you, LightSoul?
LightSoul: I'm great!
Cherrl: ......
LightSoul: ......
Cherrl: ...Um...I don't mean to be rude, but could you leave now?
LightSoul: ...Okay...(This was one exciting interview, wasn't it!) Bye.
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