Azure Dreams-LightSoul's Help
I'm not about to claim to be the world's premiere Azure Dreams expert, but I know enough to get me through that tower, and that's enough. Here's a few tips that you may or may not need. On a scale from one to ten, I would rate myself maybe a five or six in Azure Dreams monster training. It doesn't take much, but listen up anyway.
First of all, try out many different monsters. If you find an egg, you should probably hatch it at your monster hut and then try it out at the tower, as long as you have a Wind Crystal with you. This way you can see what other monsters are capable of, and you may be able to find a suitable partner for you. Of course, I have had Kewne with me for a long time, but by popular opinion he is not the best monster to use. If you want some expert advice, you should probably read a walkthru or a monster guide. The better monster eggs are on the higher levels.
There are some items that should take priority. When you enter the tower you are allowed to take five items, and you can carry twenty items in the tower. I usually take the following five items. Monster, Sword, Shield, Wind Crystal, Pita Fruit. In the tower, I consider myself lucky if I get my hands on some more Pita Fruits. Other healing items usually take priority over magic orbs, glasses, scrolls, other swords, shields and crystals, but I usually pick these up when I see them and throw them away when I need to discard something. I always keep eggs, no matter what monster they are.
When you want to train a low level monster, take it out with you on the first floor, but also take a Wind Crystal with you. With this monster out you will gain half the experience only. Usually, I don't take my monster until about level 20 or higher, to save its MP and get myself some much-needed experience. This way I can make it to higher levels much easier. In the tower, I explore every floor fully, getting all the treasures, and then usually stay in one room where I beat up all the monsters that come my way and rest until another one comes. I do this until the floor falls through and you are automatically transported to the next level.
Though they're not the best weapons, pick up a Gold Sword or a Training Wand. Then use Red sands to raise their power. Also, you'll want to find a Diamond Shield and use Blue sands on it. This is because these weapons are resistant to rust traps. You may want to save some sands to put in your vault. It's been proven that the more of an item you have in your vault the more it will appear in the tower. This way you can get more Red and Blue sands, more Pita fruits and more of everything else.
Do not hatch eggs that you want to sell, or else they will decrease in value. You cannot sell Kewne, but why would you want to?
I find that I don't hatch eggs inside the tower. This is because you can't keep the monsters you hatch in the tower, and it's not really that good an idea. If you are stuck in high levels without an active monster, you may hatch an egg as a last resort, but the monster will be at level 1 and will probably get beaten quickly. Also, if you haven't identified it, it may be a rare monster and you would have wasted your opportunity to own one. Monsters are split into three different elements, Fire, Water and Wind. Fire is strong against Wind, Wind against Water and Water against Fire. Certain monsters will change once they reach level 20. For example, Nyuel will change into Battnel, and Snowman will change into Saber.
Some monsters are more annoying than they are dangerous. I usually like to bring out my monster to defeat other monsters such as Picket, who can steal your hard earned items. Monsters like Zu can paralyse you, and Blume can brainwash your monsters. One of the worst is Clown, who can lower your level. I usually try to attack them from an angle where they can't hit me with their magic. You have to observe monsters and see their special skills to know whether you should avoid them or not.
Use your money wisely. You've earned it, you can do what you want with it, but try not to buy too much junk from Fur's store. I mean, except for that motorbike. It rules. But upgrade everything. You will get hints about upgrading buildings by talking to people. If not from the front, then from the side. If you build buildings, you can play several mini games, such as bowling and whack a mole. If you upgrade your house, you can put more items in your vault. It's a good idea to upgrade your monster hut so you can own more monsters.
That's pretty much all I have to say for now. So if you'd like you can e-mail me and tell me to shut up, sign the guestbook and tell me to shut up, go back to the Azure Dreams page and pretend to tell me to shut up, return to the RPG Page and think about telling me to shut up, or just go back to play Azure Dreams with some new insights to the game which you can tell to shut up. Good luck, and keep dreaming! A big surprise awaits you on the fortieth floor!
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