Jorda Yoda.
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Jorda is the priest of Monsbaiya's church. He often suggests things to Koh that he can build. Jorda comes to Koh on his fifteenth birthday and brings him to manhood with a bump on the head from his cane! He's a few bricks Jorda a house.
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LightSoul: Hey, Jorda. Hold still, dammit!
Jorda: Stop trying to put that collar on me!
LightSoul: Aren't you a monster!?
Jorda: No, you fool. Hey, how old are you, son?
LightSoul: Fifteen. Oh, and don't call me son!
Jorda: I suppose I missed your birthday! Take this!
LightSoul: Ouch ouch ouch! This scene seems familiar...
LightSoul: Hmmmmmmmmm...........?
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