Garr He's this game's tough guy.
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Garr is a fighter and champion at the contest of champions. When he finds out that Ryu is a dragon, he grows a mysterious agenda, and an ambition to take Ryu to meet God.

The winner of the Grand Weapons Tournament, Garr has a strong sense of duty. He takes pride in his skill with special weapons and flame magic. He joins up with Ryu�s party while travelling.
I am the game's tough guy! Ox, Rand, BRING IT ON!!!
Weapon: Spears
Best Weapon: ?
Magic Specialty: Fire
Area special: Brute Strength (Push large blockages, needed for some events)
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LightSoul: Hey, Garr! Garr! Listen to me you piece of-
Garr: Stop that before I rip your lungs out.
LightSoul: When's that gonna happen? You better tell me so I can stop before then.
Garr: Exactly ten seconds from now.
LightSoul: Here goes...Garr, I hate you! You're slow and bumbling! You stink! I can't stand you! You strut around thinking you're so hot, but you know what, you're not! Is that ten seconds yet?
Garr: Dammit...My watch is broken. I'll have to take your word for it.
LightSoul: Well, it's only been about one...but it really depends on how fast that guy can read this...heh heh.
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