Teepo Doesn't Teepo just beat all?
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Teepo is an orphan who lives with Rei in the Cedar woods. When Rei finds Ryu in the forest, they become a trio of thieves. But when the boys raid the house of McNeil, the mayor of McNeil Village, they are split up by two men called Balio and Sunder. In many ways, Teepo relates to Ryu, and for some strange reason, he knew his name before Ryu even told them. Does Teepo have something in common with Ryu?

After the three are split up, the game focuses on finding Rei and Teepo.

This orphaned punk knows nothing about his race, but has powerful attack magic.
Am I the only human in this game? At the end you'll find out!
Weapon: Swords
Best Weapon: ?
Magic Specialty: Attack magic
Area special: Kick (Kick small stones and objects)
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LightSoul: Hey, Teepo! Wanna go into a ghost town?
Teepo: What the hell you talkin' bout, you dumbass!?
LightSoul: Just trying to scare you, that's all. I guess it isn't working, though. That's toooooo baaaaad....
Teepo: Shut up...I'm gonna examine you now!
LightSoul: Maybe I should examine you...then we'll see who wins this fight...
Teepo: Alright! I learned the ability 'dumbass'!
LightSoul: Jeez! That isn't nice! Well...I learned the ability 'examine'! Beat that, suckah!!!
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