He looks like a Hanna Barbera character...
No quote available for Mogu right now...
Check it, it's Mogu. That's all I have to say.

A few days later I decided to say that Mogu was trapped inside his own dreams and all the attributes that he had became separate entities and he lost his courage. After using the dream walking thingie the others were able to smack some sense into him and he joined them, lending him his power of digging and cuteness (?).
Weapon: Claws
Best Weapon: ?
Magic Specialty: Digging
Area special: Dig stuff!
Personal Opinion: Slow and weak. Nuff said.
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LightSoul: Hey, Mogu! You wanna go outside and get a smashing!? Yeah!? 'Cause you're gonna get it you little freak!
Mogu: Bring it on!!!
LightSoul: Hey hold on a second, Ryu killed you in Breath of Fire 3. Why the hell am I even talking to you!?
Mogu: Damn you Capcom! I'm going to sue!
LightSoul: Who's Sue? Is that the name of your kitty?
Mogu: In this world having a pet is like having a slave...
LightSoul: Hey, have you played Suikoden 2? Whack a mole!!!
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