Marle Blonde.
No quotes available for Marle right now.
Are you supposed to be the game's babe? I like Ayla better than you!
Marle meets Crono at the Millennial Fair and tags along with him as he goes to see the Telepod. When the pod reacts to her family pendant, Marle is sent back 400 years in the past. What Crono finds there will uncover this girl's secrets.
Weapon: Crossbows
Best Weapon: Valkyrie
Magic Specialty: Ice/Healing
Personal Opinion: Her attack power is the worst of all the characters, but her healing magic makes up for it. A regular in my team!

Aura: Heal one ally
Provoke: Confuse one enemy
Ice: Magic Attack against one enemy
Cure: Heal one ally
Haste: Quicken one ally
Ice 2: Magic attack against all enemies
Cure 2: Fully heal one ally
Life 2: Fully restore one ally from defeat
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LightSoul: Hey, Marle! Or should I say PRINCESS NADIA!
Marle: Hey, LightSoul! Or should I say JERK!
LightSoul: Ha, ha. Good one. Seriously though. Simmer down 'fore I have to hurt you.
Marle: Get out of here before I call the guards!
LightSoul: I'd like to see you try...
Marle: Guards!!!
LightSoul: Jeez, let me finish my sentences next time!! Ah well...I think it was too dirty to say anyway.
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