Cid Pollendima
Here's your order of plane loving Cid.
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Cid is the master technician in Baron. He works on the airship, the enterprise and has great knowledge in mechanics and vehicles.
Lookit him! He's not as cool as FF7's Cid, but FF6's...meh...
Weapon: Wrenches
Best Weapon: ?
Magic Specialty: Nothing
In-battle special: Peep (Checkit the stats of da enemies)
Personal Opinion: An okay fighter, but you don't have him for that long anyway so who cares? Take this! Break your back on my knee! Like so! Fatass!
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LightSoul: Hey, Cid! Can I come into Garden now? I don't have that problem anymore. I bought some lice shampoo.
Cid: I'm not Cid Kramer, I'm Cid Pollensomething-or-other! Just to clear up confusion I'm not the Highwind guy or the grandpa of Mid guy either.
LightSoul: So, are you related to that hyperactive guy from Seinfeld?
Cid: Dammit, I am not Cid Kramer! Don't make me break your back on my knee!
LightSoul: Tch. You stole my line. Your enterprise...will receive death! LightSoul Dash Attack! KA-BOOMY!
Cid: Ahh...!!! MY BABY!!!
LightSoul: Your baby!? Ha ha ha ha! This guy banged a plane!!! Forget it pal, there's like a dozen other airships in this friggin game!
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