Edge you fool!
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Edge is a prince of Eblan and his parents were killed by Rubicant, I think. No wait, they were turned into monsters. He has a crush on Rydia and I don't blame him. Well, I do, but, I do, too. Do you agree? He's a first rate ninja guy and he throws things at enemies to usher unto them a new realm where pain is the dominant factor! Okay, he throws stuff at guys and it hurts.
To think I named my HM farmer after you.
Weapon: Swords
Best Weapon: ?
Magic Specialty: Ninja magic! Whata!
In-battle special: THROW STUFF! (Throw stuff)
Personal Opinion: A good fighter, fast and good. He's good at fighting, too. But his ninja magic sucks.
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LightSoul: Hey, Edge. Let's fight. I will avenge my ninja's honour! Didn't you see that Pokemon episode where Tracey caught a Scyther?
Edge: We'll see! Draw your weapon!
LightSoul: Okay. I'll use some charcoal for this pic. Here's a picture of the Burner Sword, which is the one I use in the lethal LightSoul Dash!
Edge: I wish I paid attention in art class! Arggh! I forfeit. LightSoul, you win.
LightSoul: Yes! Now let's just listen to the crickets for the next little while, okay?
Crickets: Chirp, chirp, chirpity chirp.
Crickets: Chirp, chirp, chirpity chirp. Chirp chirp chickachicka slim chirpy.
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