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Edward was a prince from Gillbarris island...no, wait, that's not the name! What is the name of the place!? Anyway, he was in love with Tellah's daughter, Anna, who was killed by the Black Wings. He was hated by Tellah and found nowhere else to go other than where Cecil and the others were going.
Weapon: Harps
Best Weapon: ?
Magic Specialty: Nothing
In-battle special: Hide (SEE YA SUCKERS!)
Personal Opinion: You won't find a greener fighter in this game!
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LightSoul: Hey, Edward! Edward! You really suck!
Edward: Come now, LightSoul...
LightSoul: Seriously! Using a harp for a weapon? Your special is hiding? Gimme a break!
Edward: Well! Let's see what you've got!
LightSoul: Well, I can't play a harp, but I can run faster than the next man!
Edward: That's pathetic. Do you play any instrument?
LightSoul: Look. Get outta here before I rip out your skull and spine, tie your intestines to it and play it like a banjo! And I'm sure it'd sound lovely...hee, hee. Well, you wanna get lost or what, sissy?
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