Fu So Ya
Long beards went out of fashion with the dinosaurs, brotha!
No quote available for Fu So Ya right now...
Sorry about the stupid GIF image. Anyway, Fu So Ya is a Lunarean, meaning he's a dude who lives on the moon with all the Namingway twins. He's a wise old coot but no use compared to Tellah, I believe. Oh, shut your mouth, LightSoul. With a beard that reached the earth...
Weapon: Staff
Best Weapon: ?
Magic Specialty: Black or white, hee hee!
In-battle special: Nothing!
Personal Opinion: He's bad, he's bad, at fighting! Oops, I didn't even realise that there were two Michael Jackson song references here. Well, he's good at magic, but you don't have him at the end because...something happens to him. I know this is exactly the same as the Tellah one, but that's okay because it all applies.
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LightSoul: Hey, FuSoYa! I will beat your ass!
FuSoYa: Not before I beat yours! Haiya! Take this! SUPER MIRACLE KICK!
LightSoul: Gah!!! Before you kick that high in a robe make sure you're wearing underwear pal. This is not my day for dealing with old men wizards.
FuSoYa: Piggy magic attack!
LightSoul: Hey! Stop eating that smorgasbord like a pig and get back to this fight!
LightSoul: Hold it right there.
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