Rosa Farrel
A Rosa by any other name would smell as sweet, or something like that. Lick me.
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Rosa is Cecil's girlfriend, and quite a fox, I must say. If I had a boss he would tell me to stop kidding around but I'm self-employed when it comes to LightSoul's Eden so I don't have to stop chattering like this on LightSoul's Rosa Farrel Page. Why, that makes me sound quite important, doesn't it? But my goal is to try and fill this entire text box with chatter. Hey look sesame street is on and that AARDVARK IS SINGING! WONDERFUL! Anyway, Rosa dresses quite seductively, and her voice is just pleasuring...Oh...Rosa...What must I do to be closer to you...Well, I'm guessing that she MAY be the premiere Final Fantasy Babe to soon be followed by Lenna or Reina as they changed her name to in the remake, and Terra and Celes, then the three vixens from Final Fantasy VII, Tifa, Yuffie and Aeris, and then the three from Final Fantasy VIII, Rinoa Heartilly, Quistis Trepe and Selphie Tilmitt. You notice that the names of the babes in 7 and 8 end similarly, I mean, see...Tifa and Rinoa end in "a". These two are the hero's main love interest, you know, Cloud and Squall. And then Quistis and Aeris, both end in "is" and are like the unrequited love of Cloud and Squall. And then there's Selphie and Yuffie which both end in "ie" and don't really fall in love with the hero and vice versa or anything like that except in FF7 when Yuffie can go on a date with Cloud but that doesn't really count towards anything does it?
I thought I told you to do something.
Weapon: Bow/Staff
Best Weapon: ?
Magic Specialty: White
In-battle special: Aim (Aim at enemy)
Personal Opinion: The best white magician! Well, you have to use her in the end anyways, so whaddaya want this fer!?
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Back to the Final Fantasy 4 page, baby!
LightSoul: Hey, Rosa. LightSoul's the name and Snakes and Ladders is the game! Never been beaten, the champion of twenty tournaments!
Rosa: Well, well...It's been a while since I've played but...I guess I can see if I still have the S & L edge.
LightSoul: When I play Snakes and Ladders I think of happy thoughts like kittens trying to run up ladders to escape giant snakes. Wait...I'm scared.
Rosa: Stop looking down my shirt, dammit!
LightSoul: Look! I rolled two ones. They look just like your chest.
Rosa: Tch! Listen, they couldn't make us that big on the SNES so my tits were one pixel big!!! Now stop knocking me or I'll knock your ass down that snake so fast...
LightSoul: Ha ha ha! Cheers is funny. Wait a minute. Did you say something, Rosa? Where'd she go? I guess this means she forfeits. I wonder if George Wendt would like to play a little S & L with me? Maybe I could've looked down Kirstie Alley's blouse when she was hot.
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