Old man, come on!
No quote available for Tellah right now...
Tellah is the most powerful wizard on the face of the planet! Well, this planet anyway. By this planet I mean FF4 world. I am the most powerful wizard on the planet of my RPG, the something. That's not the proper name, but I don't wanna tell you about it. Anyway, he's an angry old guy who forgot all his spells and then remembered them at Mt. Ordeals. You SPOONY 'TARD!!!
Weapon: Staff
Best Weapon: ?
Magic Specialty: Black or white, hee hee!
In-battle special: Nothing!
Personal Opinion: He's bad, he's bad, at fighting! Oops, I didn't even realise that there were two Michael Jackson song references here. Well, he's good at magic, but you don't have him at the end because...something happens to him.
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LightSoul: Hey, Tellah! Old man! You think you're still in your prime!?
Tellah: Of course. Check out these pecs!
LightSoul: Aggh!! Put your shirt back on, old man! I'm going home to wash my eyes!
Tellah: Check out these leg muscles, son!
LightSoul: Aggh! Teleport magic! Teleport, please!!!
Tellah: I'm sorry, but I cast an anti-magic field, and now watch me flex!
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