Relm Arrowny
Maybe she's the game's heroine. Nope, she's the whiney little brat!
No quote available for Relm right now...
Strago's granddaughter. She has the gift to be an artist, and the uncanny ability to make her paintings come alive. She seems to have some connection with Shadow's dog.

The granddaughter of Strago. Relm is a great artist and a friend to Shadow's dog. She can sketch enemies and attack with their powers through her drawings.
Be careful or I'll paint your frickin' picture! Garrrr!
Weapon: Brushes. rods
Best Weapon: ?
In-battle special: Sketch (create enemies to attack) / Control (Wearing the Fake Moustache, Relm can control enemies)

Personal Opinion: Her control ability may be good for helping Strago learn Lores, but otherwise she's a weakling.
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LightSoul: Hey Relm. Paint my picture.
Relm: Sorry. I don't like painting ugly things.
LightSoul: Gh! I guess you won't be painting any self portraits soon, then!
Relm: Bring it on, b**ch!
LightSoul: Hey! Language! Put up your brush and I'll put up my sword.
Relm: Grampa!!!
ImpSoul: Aw jeez.
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