Setzer Gabbiani
Maybe this guy's the hero. Nah, he's the gambling gambler
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I got these scars in 'Nam, defending lazy asses like you!
Setzer first comes into the story when it seems the party will need an airship. Setzer, a lover of gambling and women, kidnaps Celes, whom he believes to be Maria, the opera singer. After fooling Setzer with Edgar's two-headed coin, Setzer joins the party.

The rich owner of the only Airship in the world likes to fly and he likes to gamble, too. When Setzer joins your party, you'll be able to use his Airship to travel to remote parts of the world. You'll also gain a worthy fighting partner.
Weapon: Knives, Gamblers
Best Weapon: ?
In-battle special: Slots(Random effects)/GP Rain (attack all enemies)

Personal Opinion: A good, well rounded character. He's a regular in my party, but I'm not really too sure why. I use his GP rain a lot because it's quite useful.
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LightSoul: Hey, Setzer. Where'd you get all those scars?
Setzer: Sit down, kid. Let me tell you a story.
LightSoul: Ohhhhhh no.
Setzer: Now. One time I was in this bar and this guy comes up to me and says 'I bet you can't beat me in a game of poker' and so I said 'let's make it 52 pick up, sucker'!
LightSoul: Uh-huh
Setzer: So this guy opens a fresh pack of cards and flicks them into the air. Some landed on my face and the edges were so sharp! Damn you father!
LightSoul: I thought it was gonna be something boring like a knife fight, but man, you sure proved me wrong, buddy!
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