Cloud Strife
And so I said what we need is a hero with some mental problems!
No quote available for Cloud right now...
He's a mercenary with a past that is shrouded to even himself. When he finds himself in the cold streets of Midgar he joins a rebellion group called AVALANCHE, who are out to stop the hated Shinra Corporation. Cloud, being from SOLDIER, Shinra special forces, is a great aid to them. But after the bombing of the second successive reactor in Midgar, destiny unravels herself to show Cloud his true path in life, a girl called Aeris.

Job: Mercenary (ex-member of SOLDIER)
Age: 21
Weapon: Sword
Height: 173cm
Birthdate: August 19
Birthplace: Nibelheim
The main character in FINAL FANTASY VII. Originally a member of SOLDIER, he is now a mercenary who will take any job. After being hired by AVALANCHE he gradually gets caught up in a massive struggle for the life of the planet. His enormous sword can cut almost anything in two.
I am Cloud Kenni...I mean Claude Strife.
Weapon: Swords
Best Weapon: Ultima Weapon
Limit Breaks
1-1-Braver-Slash an enemy
1-2-Cross Slash-Attack an enemy and paralyse them
2-1-Blade Beam-Attack an enemy, the beam diffuses to hurt the others
2-2-Climhazzard-Puncture an enemy
3-1-Meteorain-Spray meteors over the enemy party
3-2-Finishing Touch-Instant death to enemies
4-1-Omnislash-Attack a lot of times against random enemies

Personal Opinion: Cloud is no doubt the best when it comes to attacking, and his limit breaks could not get any better. You have no choice about it, so stop whining and use him for crying out loud!
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LightSoul: Hey, Cloud! I hear that the men in white coats will be coming for you pretty soon!
Cloud: First of all, shut up! Second, who the hell are you!? Third, what do you want!? Fourth, you're not gonna get it! Fifth, get the hell outta here!
LightSoul: Sheesh! You sure are edgy for a guy who could die at any minute! All I want is a dollar so I can go buy a drink...and a shot at that lovely Tifa...
Cloud: Here! Take all this freakin' change...! And about Tifa...She's all mine, d'ya hear me!?
LightSoul: Afraid not, I was rummaging through this junk you threw at me. Gil!? Those machines only take dollars...what's this...chewed gum...and a materia made out of nice...and I'm going after her anyway.
Cloud: Not if I sweep her off her feet first! I'm outta here! And by the way, that's a marble you dumbass!
LightSoul: I'll be back for her, later. In the meanwhile...I have your wallet...and I can go places a 21 year old can go but I can't...sweet...So what do YOU think? I look just like this photo, don't I?
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