Amarant Coral Your typical redhead zombie mercenary.
"The only clear thing about the future is uncertainty."
Amarant, along with Lani, is a mercenary under the employ of Queen Brahne to defeat Zidane and kidnap Garnet. However, after Amarant's defeat at the hands of Zidane at Mandain Sari, Amarant tried to find a reason that Zidane was able to defeat him. Having no other direction, he joined Zidane's group. Amarant

Demi Shock
Spare Change

FLAIR changes to ELAN

Personal Opinion: Amarant is one of the better fighters, however, his techniques, like Zidane's are pretty useless. However, his Chakra ability is quite useful, as it can even replenish his own MP.
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LightSoul: Hey, Amarant. Who does your hair? Stevie Wonder? That guy from Blind Fury? I�m trying to say your hair sucks.
Amarant: When you�ve got my skin disorder, nobody�s going to be looking at your hair. But�still you dare defy the hair?
LightSoul: Yeah. It looks like something I would use to unclog my drain. Now I�ll call you pipe cleaner.
Amarant: You know�I�ve been a mercenary for a long time! I�ve been in countless numbers of fights! I�ve taken a stab to the heart and lived! But that�really�hurt.
LightSoul: Number of spirits broken today�two. Including my own.
Amarant: I mean�I spend five hours in the morning styling this! I�AARGHH!!!
LightSoul: I fell down the stairs and fractured my spirit. Can you believe that?
Amarant: All the shampoo�is it THAT worthless!?
LightSoul: The doctor said I damaged my brain. But then my psychiatrist said that the damage hadn�t taken place today. Boy, was I relieved.
Amarant: Is the conditioner a waste of time�?
LightSoul: The doctor and the shrink were laughing. I didn�t know what was going on so I laughed, too.
Amarant: Why�do I even bother?
LightSoul: Then they made me put a cast on my broken spirit. I didn�t know where to put it so I ate it.
Amarant: Are you still here? How much of my crying did you see?
LightSoul: Are you still here? How much of my whining did you hear? Oh, and I�m not too fond of the beard either, Zombor.
Amarant: Sniff.
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