Freya Crescent Your typical rat dragoon.
"To be forgotten is worse than death."
Freya is a dragon warrior from Burmecia. She was in love with a man named Fratley, who left on a journey around the world. After being reunited with Fratley, she was shocked to see that he had lost his memory and now their love was worthless. She acts as the mediator of the team. Freya
WEAPON: Spears

Attack power is raised

Personal Opinion: Freya is a powerful attacker and her jump technique raises this power. However, her techniques aren't that good.
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LightSoul: Hey, Freya. Santa Claus called. He wants his clothes back. Also, Eeyore called. He wants his tail.
Freya: Yeah, and the bus depot called. They have your brain in the lost and found bin.
LightSoul: What? What the hell are you talking about?
Freya: Oh, and cleanliness called. He wants to know where you�ve been lately.
LightSoul: Who�s he? Who are these people? Telemarketers?
Freya: Oh yes, and the hospital called also. Your charm was DOA.
LightSoul: My what? Freya, I�I�m confused. Fish drink? Did...they leave a number?
Freya: The cracker factory left a message. They want to make crackers from your wit.
LightSoul: Yes! I�m rich!
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