Silent Knight...Holy Knight. Hey, that works!
No quote available for Knight right now...
A young knight named after his profession. Yeah. He's a friend to everyone in San Claria and Orgo, and often skips between the two towns to deliver things for the mayor of Orgo. He was chosen to be the legendary knight after Darwin. He and Nehani had to take care of Baby since they felt responsible. Knight is a brave boy but he doesn't really have a personality since he doesn't speak a single word during the entire game.

A young boy seeking his destiny in the wide, wide world. You play the role of Knight in this adventure.
Shut up or I'll get my fairy friend to call you names!
Weapon: Swords
Best Weapon: ?
In-battle special: Living Toys!

Personal Opinion: Well, you have to use Knight, don'tcha!? He's a lot stronger than Baby, anyway. Baby sucks.
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LightSoul: Hey, Knight. What's that on your shirt!? Poing!
Knight: Ouch! Hey watch it, you big jerk! If you keep this up I'll wish some bad mojo on you!
LightSoul: Mojo...mojo...let's look that up in this dictionary. Hmm...Hey, I'll look up Knight instead. Knight, noun...if a knight wears blue armour and looks like a bad cartoon, he is no doubt a jerk.
Knight: Hey, let me see that! Ouch!
LightSoul: Ah ha! Knight takes a dictionary to the head, and he has fallen to the floor of the ring!
Knight: Crappy helmet...that's what I get for buying armour at an origami shop...ugh...
LightSoul: We all make that mistake sometimes. You know I once fought a Nu on the ancient plains holding nothing but a mop!?
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