LightSoul vs Final Fantasy VII
LightSoul: Hey, guys, remember me?
Cloud: ..............
Cait Sith: Hey, yeah! You're that guy who...mph!
Barret: Shut you' goddamn mouth, foo'!
LightSoul: Come on! You know! The guy who broke the lift at the Golden Saucer!
Cait Sith: Mpph!
LightSoul: The guy who hypnotised Cloud into giving Sephiroth the Black Materia?
Red XIII: ............
LightSoul: The guy who told the Gi tribe to attack through the back door?
Cid: ............
LightSoul: The guy who told Shera to double check the engines? Ring any bells?
Yuffie: ............
LightSoul: Me! The one who told Corneo that Wutai was a great place for a vacation!?
Vincent: ............
LightSoul: Come on! You must remember me! I told them to name the baby Sephiroth!!!
Cloud: Nope. Sorry.
Barret: Hey! Dang, that tattle tale cat got away from me again! Foo'!
Cait Sith: But I remember him! He was lying in the gutter!
LightSoul: Oh, that? I was thirsty. Not dead.
Tifa: Get outta here! We all hate you!
LightSoul: C'mon! Just because I'm holding the controller and running Cloud into walls all the time.
Cloud: Hey, yeah...Stop that!
LightSoul: Yeah!? Come over here and say that! I'll whip your analog controller incompatible ass!
Barret: Listen mutha@#^&%!!! You come one step closer I'll busta cap in yo' ass %&*%!
LightSoul: Is that so!? You and yo mutha@#^&% A Team buddies!?
Barret: Shi'! You foo'! You messin' wit' ma' head!? Ahhh! Can't think!
LightSoul: Don't try too hard! You might blow up dat Mista T cut o' yo's!
Red XIII: Barret!? You okay!?
Barret: He got me, man...I can't fight a guy dis confusing.
Red XIII: I'll get'em!
LightSoul: I don't think so, fido. Catch the frisbee!
Red XIII: Ruff ruff ruff! Pant pant pant...Grr! Caught it!
LightSoul: Who's next? Cloud! How do you like the way that wall tastes!?
Cloud: Ow! Ow! Ow! Put down that controller already! Argh! Now I'm pissed!!!
LightSoul: Whatchou gonna do about it!?
Cloud: Omnislash!!!
LightSoul: Hey, you missed me.
Cait Sith: Ow...Cloud, would you stop hitting me with your damn attacks!?
Tifa: Maybe you wouldn't miss all the time if you took those blasted sunglasses off.
Cait Sith: Someone give me an Elixir, please...? Guys...?
Cloud: Hey, these shades make me look cool. Don't they just turn you on, baby girl?
Cait Sith: Guys...?
LightSoul: They make you look a little retarded...
Cloud: Arghh...Se...Sephiroth...!
Vincent: Cloud, stop squirming on the floor.
Tifa: He does this every once in a while. Don't worry.
Yuffie: Yeah, he'll stop squirming in about ten minutes.
Cloud: Sephiroth...reunion...
Cid: I'll reunite my foot with your ass if you don't get up!
Yuffie: Yeah! Let's get rid of this LightSoul cracker!
LightSoul: Cracker!? I happen to be fine bodied and moist. But hard as nails. Hiya!
Cid: Hey! You broke the Highwind! Stop throwing that dynamite around!
LightSoul: Methinks Cid should check on his baby.
Cid: Highwind! Baby! Talk to me! Bikini Goddess, you've failed me again! Sob, sob...
LightSoul: That gets rid of five of you! Now there's only three left...
Yuffie: Nothing you can do can distract us from beating your ass to a pulp.
LightSoul: Look! Materia!
Yuffie: Where!? Seeya!
Tifa: Well...nothing will shake US, right Vincent? Vincent?
Vincent: Psst...I really need to whizz.
Tifa: Oh, fine. I guess it's just you and me, LightSoul. I'll knock you back to the gutter where you belong!!! FINAL HEAVEN!!!
Cait Sith: OWWW!!! Jeez!!!
LightSoul: You missed me! Now! Sleepel!
Tifa: Ohh...Zzzzzz...
LightSoul: Now to take my prize home...
Sephiroth: Well, well...someone did all the dirty work for me...
LightSoul: Howdy! My name's LightSoul. I also did some 'dirty work' in the back seat of your car.
Sephiroth: My MAZDA 326!? YOU BASTARD!!!
LightSoul: Now that I have you at my mercy, Sephiroth, you shall die...Wait...
Sephiroth: What is it you desire!? I will do anything, if you will spare my life.
LightSoul: Yeah. Get me a hot dog.
EPILOGUE: After Sephiroth ran away to get a hot dog, he never returned. LightSoul waited around for a few days while the FF7 cast slowly crept away. After a couple of weeks of excruciating hunger, LightSoul left to get his own darn hot dog, and he laughed when he thought Sephiroth would return with a hot dog and he would not be here. He was later called an idiot. Then again a few more times.
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