Liete I love you too, Liete.
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Liete is the guardian of the Earth. She appears in front of Justin when the spirit stone shines and gives him advice on reaching the fabled Alent.

Liete is a mystical young woman whom Justin meets in the Sult Ruins. She is shrouded in mystery. With her wisdom and skill, it is unclear whether she is an apparition born of the  power of the ancient civilisation or an actual living person.
Redshock-Attack one enemy
Enchantment Dance-Steal enemy MP
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LightSoul: Hey, Liete. Is this Alent? This is what that wimp, Justin, was looking for!? Wow! What a dump!!!
Liete: This is indeed Alent. And it's not a dump. I just haven't been cleaning up so much. I haven't had time, what with that red haired kid pestering me all the time.
LightSoul: Well, there is one good thing about this place. It's got about a dozen Lietes. Can you imagine that sort of action!? How about I make your tablet red, baby?
Liete: Your 'sweet talk' is making my tablet bluer than ever! Begone!
LightSoul: Not even the loneliest woman in the universe wants to be with me...She must be getting it on with those other Lietes.
Liete: ......I......
LightSoul: Yes. Blush...BLUSH!!! For those who blush in the wake of LightSoul are destined to become his very special slaves!!! Drop that. Ow. Stop that.
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