Arcia Eldeen
"Blood is the blade's language."
Having lost his way and blundered into the back room of a church, Eon sees a vision of a young girl. Her name is Arcia, and she is a descendant of the Wiseman Zora. Having fled from the Empire of Sorcery, she had previously sought sanctuary in the church, and had been hidden there by the priest. However, she has since been captured and taken back to the empire. So bitter is her distress, that her cry for help reaches Eon in the form of this apparition.
Even with three Arcias we won't find that leprechaun treasure!
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LightSoul: Hey, Arcia! I brought you a present.
Arcia: Eew, it's a mushed up fish! Get this thing away from me! Go on, take it back!
LightSoul: Hey! You threw it away! I caught that fish with my gloved hands! It's a symbol of love. Are we dating now?
Arcia: The traditional gift is a gerbil!
LightSoul: I had a gerbil. The gerbil got away and the fish ate it. I caught the fish. It's the SAME THING!!!
Arcia: So bitter is my distress.
LightSoul: Hey! Stop reading LightSoul's Arcia Page and get back to this interview already!
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