Gandor rules.
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Gandor is the second in command of the Desbat pirates and Slayzer's best friend. When Slayzer is captured aboard the Vangel, Gandor takes over as captain. He is good friends with Jeel, Lang and Laramee also.
He could be my favourite character.
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LightSoul: Hey, Gandor. I think I saw you on the news the other day. World's ugliest man.
Gandor: No, you must've mistaken the mirror for a television! Oh! Burn! BURN!!!
LightSoul: Yeah, yeah. Good burn, I guess. But take this! World's ugliest man! BURN!!!
Gandor: Uh, you read the wrong line. You're supposed to say "I saw you in the papers the other day, world's prettiest man"!
LightSoul: Are you sure? Someone changed the script. It almost looks like...Gandor's handwriting...
Gandor: I can do that! I'm in a game, dammit, and you're still dreaming about being in one!
LightSoul: You...just crossed the line! In fact, you are so far over the line...THE LINE IS A DOT TO YOU!
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