Korky, you're annoying, dude.
No quote available for Korky right now...
Summoned from the Spirit World at the time of the Great War, and then sealed in ice, Korky is the only Spirit beast in the world. He was discovered by the Desbat air-pirates, and has lived in the Gude ever since. Although he normally takes the form of a small bird, his true form is that of a giant sacred bird. Like Laramee, Korky senses something unusual about Eon, and takes an interest in his actions.
Get out of my pocket.
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LightSoul: Hey Korky. I got this Venatawa fruit for you. You can have it if you admit that you are a muppet reject!
Korky: For the last freaking time I am not at all a bird...Hey wait a minute. What'd you say? What the heck's a muppet?
LightSoul: Well, it's not quite a mop, and it's not quite a puppet, but man! Hahahahahaha! But the answer to your question I don't know. (Man I wish I made up that line!)
Korky: Well, they did have me scripted for the part of Big Bird, but...I wasn't big enough in the end!
LightSoul: That's too bad...they could have made you little dickybird.
Korky: Even though I'm not a bird I can still do this to you! Take THIS! HEE HEE!
LightSoul: What the hell is this white gunk on my head!? You jerk!
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