Laramee Restalia
I saw your crack, lady!
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On his way to find Arcia, Eon stows away in a chamber in the airship Gude belonging to the air-pirates known as the Desbat. It is here that Eon meets a girl called Laramee Restalia. Although Laramee is one of the pirates herself-the sister of their leader Slayzer-she is intrigued by Eon's situation, and decides to help him.
Laramee kicks ass. I saw hers.
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LightSoul: Hey, Laramee. Let's re-do that shower scene. But I'll be in there with you this time.
Laramee: That had BETTER be a joke or else you'll get this knife right in your chest!
LightSoul: Where's that pacifist Arcia when you need her? Dammit, why'd I have to scare her away with that fish!?
LightSoul: Hold it. It's Eon that does all the fighting in the game. Why don't you get to do any? Doesn't that suck? No bouncy bouncy action.
Laramee: Hey, yeah! I'm the tough chick in this game! Where's my fighting scenes! I'm hiring a lawyer.
LightSoul: LightSoul Hutz, attorney at law is ready for action! Legal action. And the kinky kind. ROWR!
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