Levant Nice headband. For a tea cosy.
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From the day of his birth, Levant has shouldered the great responsibility of being the son of the Cocoon Master. Now his destiny has been chosen for him-he must defend his village against the storms of the apocalypse and train his minions to perfection in order to even hope of living in peace.

A young man born to a long-line of Cocoon Masters. He is the hero of the game and the character you will play. He was raised by his mother since his father Riketz disappeared when he was but an infant. He is very good to his mother and finds it difficult to forgive his father for abandoning them.
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LightSoul: Hey Levant. Check out my monsters! Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Kewne, Metal, Vixemon, Lizardice and Flamane! Also! I got a BOULDER BADGE!!! I can't believe Brock actually cried when beat Geodude by spitting on him. So. Show me your monsters.
Levant: Ah, gee, well...Okay...Here's Patalchu! He ain't no pretty picture, but he's tough! And this is Dingbat. I hate him.
LightSoul: Heh heh. You suck. I feel sorry for you, kid. Here. It's a gift. It's a mousetrap! Catch yourself a dead mouse and you'll have a better team.
LightSoul: Ha! Ow! Ow, ow, ow...Arggh...My...my groin...taken down by a Patalchu punch...arrghh...Barney, I choose you!!!
LightSoul: Barney! Take Patalchu and Levant out with your Imagination Blaster Attack!!! NOOOOOWWW!!!
Levant: Arrrghhh!!! I can feel my imagination stretched to it's limit...! Damn...I have to withdraw...! I don't want to lose this match! So bitter is my distress, that I call upon my last resort monster, Dingbat!!!
LightSoul: Dingbat? I bet this is nothing my Magikarp can't handle.
Jean: Ohoho!!! It haz been a while, my friend LightSoul. It iz I, Jean, or as zis weird boy callz me, Dingbat! We should catch up on old times, mon ami. Remember that time when you made those men think I was a muppet? Ohoho! Those were ze days, mon ami.
LightSoul: NOOOOO!!! I give up!!! Here's my lunch money!
Levant: These are food stamps!
LightSoul: Counterfeit food stamps. I'm THAT poor.
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