Mahbu Nice...nice...
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Mahbu, being a woman of Nagi origin, is destined to marry the Cocoon Master, but in the process, become physically weak and frail, and hated by the townspeople. Though it is a heavy burden to bear, she puts up with it in order to help her love, Levant. Mahbu is so cute I just wanna <SNIP>

She's the childhood friend and fiance of the game's hero, who has trouble accepting her role in society. As a Nagi woman, custom dictates that she must marry the town Cocoon Master when she comes of age. The very strong-willed girl Mahbu was toughened by a childhood of rough treatment towards Nagi by the villagers.
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LightSoul: Hey Mahbu. Come my lady. Come, come, my lady. You're my butterfly. Sugar. Baby. Purify these cocoons for me, will ya!?
Mahbu: I can't...I'm sworn to Levant, not you. And besides, those aren't cocoons! They're water balloons!
LightSoul: Yeah, I swore at Levant, too. And they're not just water balloons. There are creatures living inside. They are what we lillim call Sea Monkeys. They like the water. What they don't like is being peed on. They hate it.
Mahbu: Look. What do you want? Money? Jewels? What can I give you to get you to leave?
LightSoul: I want you. By my side. Because Mahbu...these days I just can't take my mind off of you. The sweet way your hips sway from side to side as you walk so seductively just sets my mind alight! Your smooth skin, your cherry lips, I just can't help but feel something...Is Huh?
Mahbu: Zzzz..........
LightSoul: Ah man!!! I was reciting that mush in my head all day. Good thing it was a load of crap. I just want yo' booty, baby. Shake yo' bon bon!!!
Levant: Hey! Get away from my woman!
LightSoul: Jean is your woman!?
Jean: Ohoho!!! Zat is right! Me and Levant have a thing going on! We are hot and heavy! Kick zat Mahbu girl to the curb, girlfriend!
LightSoul: Gross. Say it ain't so, Levant!
Levant: It isn't!!!
LightSoul: It isn't ain't so? Just as I thought. You two are disgusting. Especially the frog! Now! Because you lost this argument, you must pay reparations! Exactly one Mahbu!
Levant: No!
LightSoul: Dang.
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