James O'Flaherty Nice bag. Seriously.
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James O'Flaherty (1845 to ?)
Brought into the world when famine and a tumultuous struggle for independence was shaking Ireland. After studying at an English university, he entered the Vatican and embarked upon a long career as a Bishop. In addition to an inherent sincerity, he holds on to the values of a vanished age, while taking pride in his severe stubbornness. Through a directive from the Vatican, he finds himself knocking on Nemeton Abbey's doors.
[Aptitudes: Extensive studies in all fields of knowledge.]
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LightSoul: Hey James. Lookie here. This is the transcript from Exorcery, my brilliant new video game RPG thriller! Starring Billy the dog as himself.
James: Wh...what!? This is blasphemy! It mocks exorcism! And...what is a...video game RPG...?
LightSoul: It's what you are a part of my friend. (We're not really friends. James is sort of a friend of a friend, but this friend I'm not really friends with.)
James: You mean...Video game RPG...Is life?
LightSoul: For some, yes. Now that you know the secrets of my script, I am going to have to kill you.
James: Well, I will pray to God that he will spare my life, as I have been true to him all my life.
LightSoul: Well, got away from that one with only minor burns this time. Only the second time this week I've been struck by lightning. I wonder if someone's trying to tell me something? Don't mess with priests? Nah, it must be to cut down on the fried chicken.
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